Estes Photon Probe


The LARGER sets are done in CUT vinyl    1.635″   and  1.325″  sets are done FULL COLOR PRINTED on CLEAR vinyl . PRICE reflects my MINIMUM setup and print fee SO you will get  MORE THAN ONE  for that  price OR     if you have OTHER small FULL COLOR PRINTED decals to do please  CONTACT ME..  I can combine them and  save you the  setup fees!

Actual Body Tube Circumference

Confirm Circumference *

I confirm I have read and understand “FIND MY CIRCUMFERENCE” (right hand menu under the search bar or scroll near bottom in the mobile app)
I agree that I have either entered the true measured “CIRCUMFERENCE” or the actual tube type and size
(IE estes BT 80, Madcow 4″ Fiberglass thinwall etc)
this is very important on MANY tube sizes there are several SIMILAR sizes, or for odd sizes not listed in the dropdown.
By checking this box I also agree that I have done so and if my decals is the wrong size I am responsible for any
cost to remake my decal at the correct size.
Please Note: I will add enough for overlap


Select the diameter that is closest to your body tube size based on your actual circumference. To find your actual circumference, please see “What is circumference and how do I find it?” © Copyright Estes Cox Corporation. Used with permission.

Additional information

Body Tube Diameter

BT 60 (1.637 Inches), 1.325 (bt55), 2 Inches, 2.6 Inches, 3 Inches, 4 Inches, 5.5 Inches, 7 Inches, 10 Inches, 12 Inches